Why Should You Consider a Custom CRM System?

Why Should You Consider a Custom CRM System?

While at first it may seem that buying an off-the-shelf Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system will save time and money, in the long run it could end up costing you more and wasting valuable resources as you attempt to customise it. You can avoid much of that hassle with a custom CRM system that is built to meet the specific needs of your business, which will offer a wide range of benefits.

Easy integration

When you build a custom CRM system it is much easier to integrate the platform with other essential systems you use for your business. During the development stage you can plan the functions you would like to include in the CRM, which can facilitate use across multiple departments. It will minimise disruption to workflows and ensure the system can be adapted to you, rather than the other way round.

Predetermined costs

A major issue with off-the-shelf CRM systems is that many are subscription based, which means costs often start to escalate over time as more users are added and packages need to be upgraded. While a custom CRM system will require a higher upfront cost, it can be built for scalability, which can save you money in the long run. There’s no need for subscriptions or any other costs that can arise, such as paying for specialist technical support.

Better security protection

Out-of-box CRM systems tend to lack the rigorous security protection you need for your data, as many are open-source, with the code easy to access and manipulate. However, with a custom CRM system you can build in the security measures you need from the very start, ensuring critical business data is encrypted, making it much harder for unauthorised third parties to access. Learn more about how a custom CRM build can safeguard your business.

Personalised functionality

Every business is unique, which means a one-suits-all solution cannot provide the answer for everyone. It’s a major problem that comes with using off-the-shelf packages, as while they may work for some, they won’t be a good fit for others. Custom CRM software allows you to pick and choose the features that are the right fit for your business, which will make things more efficient and streamlined for everyone internally.

Automation availability

Many off-the-shelf CRM packages do not provide automation options. This can bog employees down with drawn out data entry requirements and long periods of admin that detract from other important tasks. A custom CRM system can build in automated functions that reduce the need for some of the more labour-intensive manual tasks such as follow-up sales emails, data entry, lead management and much more.

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